Start with Influencer Marketing

It’s time to generate revenue and growth! Today we want to explain why you need Influencer Marketing, especially with Metapic in 2023.

Influencer Marketing

As already known, influencer marketing generates a high reach. Even one well-known person can reach a big audience. By choosing the right influencer you can reach the right target group quickly and effectively. The selection is very easy because influencers know which demographic and geographical data and interests, they can represent and reach on their social media channels.

An advertisement must be convincing, and this works best when testers share their own experience of a product. Influencer marketing offers honest and, above all, authentic testimonials. That is underlined by a credible person whose followers place a lot of value on their opinion and experience. Finally, don’t forget someone is only a follower if they find the content interesting.

Connecting digital creators and leading brands

Metapic is a global influencer network and platform that connects content creators with brands. Metapic works as an extension of your performance and influencer team. Strategies are adapted to maximise your ROI, and you get clear reporting by the time period in addition to live performance on your dashboard.

In addition, Metapic offers various launch packages, which differentiate between basic, premium, and luxury, different newsletter offers, and individual agreements.

Why Metapic?

Metapic is different from other influencer networks/platforms in many ways. It is the number 1 for influencers, offers authentic product recommendations, is always-on (24/7 linking), transparent, data-driven, and has live reporting in the brand dashboard.

Plan your Influencer year 2023 with us now!

We are always happy to start with you in the new year! Get in touch with our Metapic team and push your sales through Influencer Marketing now >>

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