Expert Interview: Metapic – All about the Content Creators

Purchase decision processes are increasingly longer as customers buy more consciously and obtain more information. In order to reach a younger target group (Generation Y and X) directly at the beginning of the customer journey, you should rely on User Generated Content. That is because younger generations trust the recommendations of other users and perceive brand content as less authentic.

To help you boost your sales with User Generated Content during the Christmas Season and still benefit from it in the coming year 2024, we asked our expert, Luisa Weber, Campaign Manager at Metapic, about all the relevant topics on Content Creators in our Expert Interview.

Do you don’t know Metapic? Here, you will learn everything about the all-in-one solution >>


Luisa Weber - Metapic
Luisa Weber, Campaign Manager at Metapic

Can you briefly introduce yourself and tell us something about your work at Metapic?

My name is Luisa and I’m responsible for campaign management at metapic Germany. I take care of finding suitable creators for our brands and make sure that the campaigns are successful on both sides.

Content Creators

Metapic acts as an Influencer Network, but how do you ensure you will find the right Content Creator for each brand?

All creators need to pass our tailored screening process to ensure qualified content & engagement rate. We always aim to meet the creators’ needs while keeping the brand safe.

For a specific target group, smaller influencers are usually more suitable. Does Metapic offer a selection of Nano- & Micro-Influencers?

In over 15+ markets we offer 60.000+ Creators from all creator levels: nano to macro. Our dedicated campaign managers make sure to find the most fitting profiles for each brand.

Some brands already work with Content Creators and don’t want to stop this collaboration. How is this handled at Metapic?

This is more of an opportunity for both sides, because especially when creators are already working with the brand in paid marketing and the campaign is coming to an end, they are still often asked about the campaign pieces. Through us, the brand continues to see the performance and can track the links transparently. We offer real time performance reporting of each collaboration including the created content, all in one dashboard and connected with your external tracking tools.

Which pricing models do Content Creators prefer? Should brands adapt to this?

Content creation requires time and effort. To reward this accordingly all our creators receive a direct pay-out. To maximize the incentive to continuously promote their favourite brands. Therefore, we highly recommend to support this especially when on the search for new brand ambassadors.

How is the sending process of the products to the Influencers managed at Metapic?

The best and fastest to way to make sure the products arrive safe and sound at the creators, we recommend forwarding us voucher codes for the profiles in order for them to purchase the pieces themselves.

How does Metapic ensure, brands are also found by Content Creators?

Our network is very transparent, the creators can see each brand after only one click. They get updates as well as pop ups on the platform but on top we offer different types of additional exposure like Brand of the month, (What’s App-) Newsletters, Toplist placement and much more.

How much time needs to be planned for an influencer campaign at Metapic? And what does it involve?

This always depends on the goals of the brand. Do they need more awareness? Do they expect more traffic? Are they new to the market and expect a higher market share?

We offer gifted campaigns, fixed fee campaigns or a run on the network. We love to dive into individual requests to prepare a fitting campaign.

Do you want to address your target group effectively and in the long term with User Generated Content? There is much more behind Metapic! Contact our Metapic experts now >>

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