Expert Interview: Influencers about Black Friday

Black Friday is just around the corner, and this shopping event is also an important day for influencers to generate sales. But what exactly do influencers have to do with Black Friday, and what is an influencer’s perspective on the day?

We interviewed our metapic Influencer Nina about this and other Black Friday topics.


Can you briefly introduce yourself and your social media presence?


Hi, I am Nina, and I started as an influencer in 2015 when I decided to present my daily outfits to solve the daily problem of not knowing what to wear. The beginning was hard – especially because my business profile was very unprofessional and mixed. But after a few years, I was able to build up my business and even earned money through one or other affiliate links. That was the point when I signed up as an influencer at metapic.

Today I am a micro-influencer and prefer to work with deals in the fashion industry, which is especially important when thinking of Black Friday.

What exactly are deal influencers?

I always loved fashion but never really felt comfortable to share my entire life online. So, I decided to hide myself but share my passion in sharing outfits and new styles! Today I have an engaged community that can rely on my profile to be the one that is always up to date when it comes to the latest trends, seasonal outfits and special deals all shared from different brands. This way, I can post within certain niches, work even closer with my community as their wish is my demand and get to choose the best items from the most popular brands.

Why do you work with metapic?

It is highly user-friendly and transparent. Metapic offers me the chance to be paid for my work effectively, as they totally support my content creation the way it should be supported. They offer me the opportunity to work with various brands at the same time and let me express my passion via affiliate links. My community loves it, as it is easy for them to buy the pieces and easy for me to share them. Their transparency opens new ways of collaboration and contacts which I really appreciate, especially as a micro influencer.

Black Friday

You have already mentioned that Black Friday is also very important for you as an influencer. Why is that?

My community relies on me to share the latest trends and especially the best deals. My job is to show them where they can get their favorites even cheaper. Black Friday and Cyber Monday are days where every single product is on sale, and you can get the best discounts from different brands. It is the time of the year where my community is the most active and I am the most responsible for them. It is obviously also the week where Influencers can make the most of their passive income with metapic.

Why is it especially worthwhile to work with metapic during November?

Metapic allows me to make the most out of my promotions. They not only structure and publish the best deals for me to use and promote, but also always support my content creation in giving me new ideas to share it with my community. Their Newsletters are great to use as new input for my content creation plan and they are always in contact with us about latest updates. They give me the freedom to promote what I want and what feels best to me. It feels like a metapic family!


Are you using Black Friday to get good deals?

Yes, for sure! As I said it is the most popular time of the year for us content creator. Whatever I promote can promise a new collaboration or even a new business partner for the long run, so it is essential to be prepared and metapic really helps me to be prepared.


Do you have some special plans in the future with metapic?

Yes, I want to focus more on my other social profiles, especially Tik Tok and metapic offers me the chance to do so. They have a special tracking solution that allows me to focus on my business on Tik Tok and I would not want to miss it!

What are you planning to do on Black Friday this year? Do you have some new tips and tricks?

My community loves content that is structured and easy to follow. I normally do topic related posts and stories day by day. They get to choose what they want to see, and I can realize it through metapic. My tip is to be well prepared and do the research beforehand as well as have a look on your fellow metapicers to collaborate especially during these times. Another one would be to always keep an eye on the current campaigns. Especially during Cyber Week there are many campaigns that are only live for a short period of time but often the ones that I love the most and normally do not get the chance to promote as such. It is worth it to be active!

Start now!

Do you want to offer your best deals on Black Friday via influencers? Then get in touch with our metapic experts >>

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