The benefits of running your own private network


We have talked to Remy Marchesin, Head of Technology at Tradedoubler France, whose job is to find the best solution for different clients to help them grow their business. In some cases the best solution is a private network. We wanted to find out more…


What is a private network compared to the more common public affiliate network?

In a common affiliate program, the affiliate platform will be the driver of the car, in a private network we give you the key of the car and you can go wherever you want.

A private network allows you to manage your own affiliate campaigns, commissions and partners with a white-label solution. You can give your partners access to a branded interface in line with the look and feel of your company and using your own KPIs.

While managing your key partners in-house is saving cost and time, you will however benefit from our technology and infrastructure:

  • Thanks to our real-time reporting, you will be able to measure and optimize your return on investment (ROI) for each partner.
  • Tradedoubler manages all publisher payments for you. Payments can be made in the currency of their choice and exchange rate risks are minimised.
  • Our dedicated local support teams in 10 countries are proactive and able to leverage their experience to advise various types of clients .
  • Automatic and unlimited publisher subscription with tailored access rights enables you to connect with more partners and grow your business.


What is the big benefit for you? Who should look into this?

The main advantages of a private network are:

  • Cost saving: No platform commissions mean more margin for you or reinvest into higher publisher commission. This will give you a real added value versus competitors and enables you to connect with more attractive publishers.
  • Automatic lead/sales deduplication: Makes sure you just pay once for a sale/lead.
  • Branding: you can brand the white-label solution as you require
  • Advanced and robust technology:  You leverage a market leading technology platform


When should you move from a public to a private network?

After having spent a couple of years in a public affiliate program, you have created a very close relationship with your top publishers and would like to continue the partnership yourself. You know how to connect with publishers and how to develop new partnerships to grow your business. You want to reduce costs. Now it’s time for you to internalize.


Why are private networks becoming more and more interesting?

Some years ago the tracking implementation was quite complicated and clients preferred to leave this in the hands of the technicians. Today, thanks to the development of new technologies and tools, such as Container Tag, a user-friendly interface enables even non-technicians to easily manage their own networks. You can now manage your key partners in-house while saving costs and time.


Which of your customers have set up private networks and what are their experiences?

A lot of advertisers and agencies are managing their own campaigns and publisher networks in France thanks to our technology for several years now. For bigger companies, the security and accuracy of the data, robustness of the tracking, proactive support are especially important.

The biggest online travel agency Voyages SNCF/OUI SNCF for instance has just shared their experiences with us:

“Tradedoubler’s white-label solution has all the necessary tools to internalize our activity. Reporting, commissioning and billing tools are a significant time saver” – Matthieu Laberibe (Partnership Manager at OUI.SNCF)


If you want to do like SNCF and grow your business with our white label solution, get in touch!

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