10 years with Sonia Rodriguez Martinez

Since 2013, Sonia Rodriguez Martinez has been a part of Tradedoubler Spain. As Head of Technology, she constantly works to expand our client portfolio.

Sonia Rodriguez Martinez
Sonia Rodriguez Martinez, Head of Technology at Tradedoubler Spain


Can you briefly introduce yourself and tell us what you are doing when you are not working?

I’m Sonia Rodriguez, born in Benavente, a little city of Zamora. I moved to Valladolid, where I graduated in Telecommunications Engineering. I completed my studies with an internship in Vilnius (Lithuania). Eventually, I arrived in Madrid when I received the opportunity to work with Tradedoubler.

I have multiple hobbies, such as spending time with my friends, reading, playing basketball, traveling, etc. For the past 5 months, I have spent time with my favorite buddy – my son Lucas.

What is your motto or personal mantra?

Don’t worry about it, take action.

Which are your top three destinations?

New York, Egypt, and South Africa.

Part at Tradedoubler

Can you tell us about your path within the company?

Since I joined Tradedoubler, I’ve been working in the Technological Department, starting as a Technical Account Executive, and some years and adventures later, I’m the Head of Technology.

What are you currently working on?

Now, as the Head of Technology, my main goal is to make the Technological Department bigger, increasing client portfolio and turnover. Gaining the trust of our clients and getting more business with them is also a priority.

What is so special about your daily work at Tradedoubler?

Every day is different because my job is very dynamic. Luckily, I have the opportunity to learn every day, which makes this position very stimulating.


In what ways has Tradedoubler changed since you started?

Tradedoubler is alive. It is ever-changing, working to fit the market needs. In the technological area, a new platform was created to improve the services and functions demanded by our customers.

With which position did you start at Tradedoubler?

My beginnings were as a Technical Account Executive.


What is unique about Tradedoubler for you?

I have grown professionally, learning about marketing and its different branches, from my tech background. Tradedoubler has allowed me to meet many talented colleagues. We are a family where we all learn from each other and all contribute to achieving common goals.

What convinced you to work here for 10 years?

Tradedoubler is an international company. I believe it is a fantastic opportunity to see different points of view and ways of working in different countries with a diverse team. Even if I have been working for a single department, I had the chance to learn from my colleagues working in other areas and combine customer relationships with the tech perspective.

What advice would you give to recent new entrants?

Try to take advantage of working in an international company that is a leader in digital marketing, and open your mind to learn from your colleagues and departments. Do not forget to be yourself, and feel free to share your point of view, ideas, and proposals.

A big thank you, Sonia, for this great Interview and your fantastic job over the last 10 years. We look forward to more years with you at Tradedoubler!

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