Summitul GPeC 2024: O altă mare oportunitate de networking în ECE

Summitul GPeC 2024: O altă mare oportunitate de networking în ECE GPeC Summit este unul dintre cele mai mari evenimente de e-commerce și marketing digital organizate în Europa Centrală și de Est, care atrage un public numeros de profesioniști în marketing din întreaga Europă. Ediția din acest an a GPeC...

Singles Day Highlights 2023

We took a closer look at the performance from our network during Singles Day and summarised the highlights in our Singles Day Highlights 2023. Check it out now!

Google Analytics 4

With Google forcing marketers to Google Analytics 4, we have been running experiments with GA4. Read now what has changed and its impact on revenue reporting.

Generation Z

Generation Z: What you need to know about their shopping behaviour Young, informed, critical – That’s Generation Z! We show you what you need to know about Gen Z, their shopping behaviour, and how to use this knowledge for your marketing strategy. Generation Z in a nutshell Generation Z follows...

The Performance Group

Your Omnichannel Marketing with The Performance Group by Tradedoubler! Learn more about the smart Performance Marketing solutions now!