Google Shopping opening-up


This week, Google rolls out a big change in the Shopping section, first out being the home market USA. The move comes amid the coronavirus crisis. With the change, the Google Shopping tab results will consist primarily of free product listings. The rollout will start this week in the USA, whilst it should be available in all countries before the end of the year. According to experts, the change is being made to curb Amazon’s dominance that Amazon has in the US as a marketplace. We are prepared for the change and are shortly introducing you to what you can already do now.


What is changing and what does that imply for our advertisers?

In the main, there will be placements that are completely free of charge for advertisers but paid placements will still exist. The direct search results will still consist of purchased results, but listing in the Google Shopping tab will be completely free. The change only applies to the Shopping tab and all other Google Ads are not affected by this change.


Our response and what you can do

It will be interesting to see how much impact and change it will be. Tradedoubler keeps it under control with our Google Partners. We work with several different CSS (Google Shopping) partners across all our markets. If you have not taken advantage of this opportunity before, we are here to help and assist.

Contact us and we will tell you more about how it’s possible to connect several CSS partners through Tradedoubler. Together, we create a setup that suits your business best.



About the author

Tom is a Director of New Business Partnerships at Tradedoubler Nordics since August 2015. Being part of the Business Development Team he looks after new business opportunities of both new key publishers and new advertisers. With over 13 years of experience in digital marketing, Tom has been exposed to the entire marketing mix and is now applying his knowledge, expertise, and strategic approach to developing and optimizing Tradedoubler’s Nordic business.

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