We are proud to announce the launch of a new branding!

Tradedoubler is a Swedish company established in 1999. Since the start the company developed from a 2×3 square meter room start-up environment to an international company with a market-leading technology platform and performance marketing solutions that focus solely on the growth of our clients’ businesses.

Our experts continuously work on optimising our offerings and services adapting them even better to your needs. Just as our offerings are continuously shaping the affiliate marketing industry our brand Tradedoubler should now evolve in the same way.

Today, we are happy to launch our new logo, updated website and the recently launched new interfaces in this new branding which describes the current Tradedoubler in the best way. As a result, we are introducing to you our new logo:


All information about our new interfaces, you can find here >>

A word from our CEO

“I am proud to be a part of Tradedoubler since 2007. That has allowed me to follow the company’s development and drive it forward myself. The rebranding is another step forward and should represent the powerful future of Tradedoubler, which continuously offers new opportunities to fuel the growth of our advertisers and publishers with performance marketing and technology solutions.” Matthias Stadelmeyer, Chief Executive Officer (CEO)

We hope you like the changes just like we do. Check them out on all our channels now.

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