Affiliate marketing is a way for you to sell products or services through a type of performance-based marketing. At Tradedoubler we have a network of advertisers and publishers, where the publisher gets awarded for every purchase they’ve generated for the advertiser.

Affiliate links can be a web banner, an image or a text link that leads to another website, often with the purpose to sell a product. If you want to know more about what affiliate marketing is, you can read about it in this blog post. 


Want to know more about affiliate marketing? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

It can be difficult to reach your desired target group through your own channels if you don’t have a highly committed fan-base. By using affiliate marketing and choosing publishers that your target group are already familiar with, you can easily reach out to your desired target group. People, especially younger target groups, tend to trust real people more than a company. By using these publishers, you can grow your brand awareness in your desired target group.


You only pay for the actual effect

What we do begins and ends with performance. It’s one thing to look at the reach of a campaign and see that it reached an amount of people, but it doesn’t really tell you how successful the campaign was if your goal is to sell a product or similar. With our solution you get numbers of the actual performance.


The most of you are perhaps very used to measure your campaigns in CPM, i.e. Cost Per Mille (or cost per thousand views). It helps you evaluate your reach, but it doesn’t say anything about the efficiency of the campaign. Try to measure the performance instead, like the CPA/CPO (cost per action/cost per order). Then you’ll get a more just measuring than when you’re looking at the CPM numbers!



Want to know more about affiliate marketing? Don’t hesitate to contact us.

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