In October Tradedoubler releases new features for publishers including digital wallets and EPI grouping in statistics plus an overview on average payment and cancellation rates. Greater transparency and better insights into our network data increase efficiency and enable our publishers to take more informed business decisions.

New features to the Publisher Interface in detail:

Average Payment and Cancellation Rates

For each program we provide the average payment time (based on time of invoice created to being paid by an advertiser) and cancellation rate. Alongside performance metrics like estimated commission per click, publishers can now understand the likelihood of sales being cancelled and the time they may have to wait to receive payment, allowing them to choose which programs to promote. This gives publishers better transparency on what they can expect to earn from a program.

Digital Wallets in statistics

In order to allow publishers greater insight into commissions for bonuses and corrections, we have included two extra fields in our statistic reports: positive digital wallets are shown as “deposit”, negative digital wallets are shown as “withdraw”. This offers a true reflection of program performance including tenancies and bonuses alongside any manual corrections.

EPI grouping in statistics

Publishers need to see performance by their own custom parameters – either for their subnetwork of affiliates, for placements, campaigns or any other custom dimension. We have therefore introduced a grouping option EPI (Enhanced Publisher Information) which gives statistics by each unique EPI or EPI2 value. This enables you to report by your own custom dimensions or easily get insights into sub partners performance.

All new features are available from today both in the Publisher Interface and via API.

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