Are you thinking about working with influencers to increase your sales and improve your brand awareness? Or are you already working with influencer marketing and want to take it to the next level? Here are some tips for how to improve your influencer marketing.

Dare to use smaller influencers

It’s easy to only look at the amount of followers when choosing which influencers to work with. Dare to think smaller! Influencers that don’t have a really high follower count tends to have followers that engage more with their content. In general, they also have a tighter connection with their followers since the amount of comments and DM’s aren’t as overwhelming.

Measure the right things

One of the hardest things is to measure the effect the collaboration has. The most important thing is of course to have a goal and  measure the right things for this goal. Is it brand awareness or the amount of products you’re selling that is the main goal? Find the right KPI and for your goal!

Use tools to make it easier

Are you an advertiser that wants to grow your business by connecting with really relevant influencers? Meet Metapic, our popular platform for product recommendations! Metapic is helping advertisers and digital creatives within premium lifestyle media to grow through reader engaging content. Influencers find your brands and products on the platform, consumers engage with their content and Metapic tracks the traffic generated and provides you as an advertiser with statistics. It has more than 40 000 users since the start in 2014!


”Together with Metapic we deliver a totally integrated solution inside our own platform. It has been a successful collaboration to activate our influencer work, build content, monetize it and improve recruitment”, says Magnus Karlsson, CEO at, Nordics largest blogger network.


Read more about Metapic here:

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