The benefits of running your own private network

A private network allows you to manage your own affiliate campaigns, commissions and partners with a white-label solution. We have discussed with Remy Marchesin, Head of Technology at Tradedoubler France, how clients can grow their business with a private network.

First Party Cookies in Affiliate Marketing

Third Party cookies are a very common part of the online advertising ecosystem, however there are increasingly problems associated with them. Using our First Party Cookie Validation all advertisers and the connected publishers will be able to see an immediate growth of their tracked conversions.

First Party Cookies in Affiliate Marketing

Third Party Cookies zijn een veel voorkomend onderdeel van het ecosysteem voor online marketing, maar er zijn steeds meer problemen aan verbonden. Met behulp van onze First Party Cookie Validation zullen alle adverteerders en de aangesloten publishers een onmiddellijke groei van hun gemeten conversies kunnen zien.