Publisher Spotlight: Soreto

Did you know that adults are 4x more likely to purchase when recommended by a friend? Discover in this Publisher Spotlight, Referral Marketing and Social Sharing with Anne-Sophie Larger, International Business Development Manager at Soreto!

Publisher Spotlight: Connexity

Read our interview with Marc Dubois, Business Development Director at Connexity, an essential CSS partner. Find out the advantages of this lever and why you should integrate it into your marketing strategy now to generate incremental sales!

Publisher Spotlight: 20 minutes

The integration of Content to Commerce in your digital marketing strategy has become essential! Read our interview with Simon Schwarz, Digital Project Manager at 20 minutes, who presents this lever in detail!

Publisher Spotlight: Discoup

Let us introduce you to Discoup, one of our Italian publishers! In our publisher spotlight, we have discussed what differentiates them from competitors and which benefits they provide for your business!

Fashion Trend Report 2020

Our free global fashion report for 2020 is here! We analyzed data from affiliate programs of the fashion industry in our network and share key learnings and trends.

Publisher Spotlight: Zen

Make your shopping experience and money management more ZEN! In our newest publisher spotlight, we introduce you to ZEN.COM, an extensive payment platform enabling you to run your store just the way you like.

Publisher Spotlight: Twenga

Check out our interview with José Lorenzo, Head of Business Development at Twenga, one of our Top CSS Partners! Find out what the advantages of CSS leverage are and why merchants should integrate it into their marketing strategy!

Publisher Spotlight: LIFEData

Being there to satisfy people’s immediate needs is the new battleground for companies and brands. Learn more about our publisher LIFEData and their technology to allow quicker and better decisions in the safest environment possible.

Publisher Spotlight: Check Out Sam

Our interview with Sam from CheckOutSam gives you insights into the blogger space. Find out how affiliate marketing helps Sam to travel around the world and work from anywhere.